วันเสาร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Emotional Discipline And Forex Trading by Ricky Weber

What is the most important thing when it comes to making money in the forex market? It is not your trading system, it is not even your money management ratios, but it is about patiently waiting for exactly what you are looking for, and then placing the trade when you see exactly what you need to see and no sooner. The reason there is such a large casualty rate among currency traders is that so many people let emotion supersede logic, or they get caught up in the excitement of making or losing money quickly and do not think rationally. Emotional discipline is the single most important thing for someone who wants to make money in the long term, and unfortunately this comes with some baggage that not many people enjoy.
To get caught up in the excitement of trading, or to become overly emotional about making or losing money (especially when your trading capital is highly leveraged) is to forget the reason why you are trading in the first place. You are trading to make money, not to have fun and not because you think it is exciting. The best traders see what they are doing as a job, even a job that can be extremely boring and repetitive at times, and they can follow the checklist of a given trading system without placing any trades before they see the appropriate signals. They know how to wait, and once they see what they are looking for they strike, and then repeat over and over again.
Those people who have normal personal finance knowledge and skills might not understand exactly how to be emotionally disciplined when it comes to making or losing money the way that you do in the forex market, and it is those people who cannot separate out their emotions from executing their trading system that always try to go for fast gains instead of consistent winners (even if they are small winners). It is always, always better to let a potential profit opportunity pass you by than it is to enter the market at the wrong time and mark a loss on your account. The market is here and it is not going anywhere, so feeling like you are rushed and that you will miss something if you don't trade right now will only cloud your judgement and increase the likelihood of losing trades.
Probably the most important part of knowing how to be emotionally disciplined with your trading is to know how to take your ego out of the equation. Even for the expert traders this can be the hardest thing to do (sometimes even more so with the experts) because once you have a long string of winning trades you begin to think that you can never lose and you start deviating from your trading plan. Being overly confident in your trading abilities and thinking you are a genius can sometimes be more disastrous than being fearful or greedy, because you will recklessly trade large lot sizes outside of your money management parameters and potentially suffer large losses to your account.
Emotional discipline is the most important part of being a successful currency trader; your trading strategy and all other practical aspects of trading come secondary to your financial psychology, because mastering your ego and emotions of fear and greed will set you up to profit in the long term over a number of months and years, not just days and weeks.

Just Who Are These Online Forex Brokers by Chris M Lee

Trading online and offline can be said to be two of the same things, and when you are looking at online Forex brokers, they serve the same functions as an offline, and this is where all contentions about their roles within the trading game really stops and your own assumptions of the market begins. You need to be able to make sure that you get a good Forex broker to help you out with online trading, and these are some of the aspects of a good Forex broker that you might want to look out for when you are choosing one.
One thing that you need to look out for is to actually find out the actual performance history of the Forex broker ad a good way for you to do this is to actually do some digging of your own with some of the more known financial regulatory bodies all over the country or internationally if you are dealing with brokers from all over the world. These are some of the most important steps you need to take when choosing a broker and making sure that you have a broker that knows what he or she is doing.
The next thing you need to do is to make sure that you know just how long the company that you are representing has been around for a long time and has some portfolio of some mention. One of the problems of these new companies is that they have no experience and have been hastily set up by seasonal traders to make money from new traders by helping them trade. One thing you need to check is how long these companies have been around, and the best market to ensure that you have a good one is to make sure that they have been around for a while.
I think one of the most important things about this is that you need to be able to connect with the trader and the broker, and this is not just on a technical and professional basis. One of the problems that makes people fail at their trades is that they have no communication with their broker. You need to talk with them on the phone or if possible, meet them in person. But of course in the online world, the possibilities for that extend to the concepts of virtual video and chat.
So, these are the things that you need to know about when choosing an online Forex broker for yourself. Trading with the currency market can be really tricky and you need all the help you can get, especially when you are trading as a beginner or with someone with minimal experience with the market. Then and only then, will you be able to ensure that you have some sort of repute with the help that you are getting and can get the guidance that your money deserves. In this way, you have made more certain your road to financial independence.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What is FOREX ?? by M. Karl

The Foreign Exchange market, also referred to as the "FOREX" or "Forex" or "Retail forex" or "FX" or "Spot FX" or just "Spot" is the largest financial market in the world, with a volume of over $4 trillion a day. If you compare that to the $25 billion a day volume that the New York Stock Exchange trades, you can easily see how enormous the Foreign Exchange really is. It actually equates to more than three times the total amount of the stocks and futures markets combined! Forex rocks! What is traded on the Foreign Exchange market?
The simple answer is money. Forex trading is the simultaneous buying of one currency and the selling of another. Currencies are traded through a broker or dealer, and are traded in pairs; for example the euro and the US dollar (EUR/USD) or the British pound and the Japanese Yen (GBP/JPY).
Because you're not buying anything physical, this kind of trading can be confusing. Think of buying a currency as buying a share in a particular country. When you buy, say, Japanese Yen, you are in effect buying a share in the Japanese economy, as the price of the currency is a direct reflection of what the market thinks about the current and future health of the Japanese economy. In general, the exchange rate of a currency versus other currencies is a reflection of the condition of that country's economy, compared to the other countries' economies.
Unlike other financial markets like the New York Stock Exchange, the Forex spot market has neither a physical location nor a central exchange. The Forex market is considered an Over-the-Counter (OTC) or 'Interbank' market, due to the fact that the entire market is run electronically, within a network of banks, continuously over a 24-hour period. Until the late 1990's, only the "big guys" could play this game. The initial requirement was that you could trade only if you had about ten to fifty million bucks to start with! Forex was originally intended to be used by bankers and large institutions - and not by us "little guys". However, because of the rise of the Internet, online Forex trading firms are now able to offer trading accounts to 'retail' traders like us. http://forexgerman.wordpress.com

Make Money Automatically Trading The Forex by dvinci

Let me tell you a couple of words about the best way to trade Forex that ever existed. I'll keep it short because there's no time to waste as this great opportunity may soon expire.
Have you ever thought of trading Forex but got scared off by all the complicated stuff like technical analysis, charts, plots and such? Now there's a way to grab tons of cash without ever having to analyse anything. In fact, all you have to do is click your mouse buttons! That's all!
Forex Automoney now are letting people use their buy/sell Forex signals. These signals are never wrong because they are generated by state-of-the-art computers supervised by cool professionals. You don't have to do anything, just collect the cash! Check it out:
=> http://freebrain.fxautomny.hop.clickbank.net/
Remember, this opportunity may soon be unavailable - the interest is very high. Get involved today and start earning your fortune!
=> http://freebrain.fxautomny.hop.clickbank.net/
Best regards, dvinci
The best way to trade the forex market is to use powerful computer neural networks. This cost a lot of money. There is a solution that cost relatively little for the amount of money you can make. The numerous forex robuts or expert advisors on the market just do not begin to measure up to the use of powerful computers with multi-dimentional data available to the neural networks system used by fx automoney. Using this system could not be simpler. You owe it to yourself to at least check it out Now. It will only cost you a lot of money you could have made if you do not check it out for free now.
Click on the link below to check out this system now. You will be thanking me for the rest of your prosperous life. Realy you will.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Forex trading for beginners _ What to look for by Scott Ingram

Lots of courses, e-guides and e-books target people who want to learn the basics of working with the foreign exchange market as the mechanisms of currency trade are complex and difficult to grasp. This type of interpretation of the information refers to the interest rates, commercial brokerage activities and the motion of currency price trends. Here is what a real course for beginners should include:
-crosses and currency pairs, an introduction;
-how to make price actions;
-Forex charts analysis and interpretation;
-Forex trends predictions;
-the basics of successful transactions on Forex;
- finding the right Forex broker.
Moreover, Forex trading for beginners needs to answer the main dilemmas and solve the primary difficulties of a newbie to the system. Thus, you have to learn about the time frames and the best moments to make transactions: several times a day, daily or more frequently than that? Setting the time frame depends on the information you can decode from indicators and technical charts. Transactions should not be made randomly but only after monitoring the charts when you feel comfortable with the situation.
Understanding that more people lose than gain is part of the information you should receive in any course dedicated to Forex trading for beginners. Beginners are eager to make money, and make mistakes out of ignorance, greed and impatience; they represent the 95% of investors who lose on Forex. Therefore, only with perseverance, determination and strategic actions will you be able to be part of the 5% that constantly win. Another issue of interest here is the choice of the pairs on which to trade. Tips on Forex trading for beginners specify the importance of not working with more than three pairs when you know only the basics of the system.
Forex trading for beginners can be approached by working in collaboration with a professional broker or dealer who can manage your account or accounts. Plus, no huge deposit accounts will be required. You can start with as little as $25 in Mini-Forex accounts or you can place deposits between $1,000 and $5,000 depending on the brokerage company. Until you learn the mechanisms, you may lose something or only make small profits, but in time, things may evolve for the better.

Are Forex Robots Worth The Money? by Robert Shilo

When you are Forex trading, remember that not every hour is great for trading. It is a 24 hour a day market but that doesn't mean you should take advantage of it 24 hours a day. Those that are retail traders and go into Forex market, for instance, are not quite prepared, and lose money right away because they don't understand this basic concept. You need to step back and do research before diving in right away. You need to get some more experience and learn from other before you start really trading in their market. You may also want to try some Forex robots software.
The Forex robot has really opened up a lot of opportunities to trading in financial markets. Forex Robots can make the difference between a winning trader and a losing trader. It is a real help to most people. While Forex trading may be a skill that can be developed over a lot of time, a Forex robot can make that skill a lot better and easier. For those that just do not have the patience to wait, a Forex robot can really come in handy.
Many people are profiting from the Forex market and making good money. In this day and age where money seems very hard to come by, this is good news to many people. There are many different Forex robots that are very helpful and on the market currently.
While no strategy is perfect, Forex robots have been proven to up the profits and make better trades. What Forex robots actually do is automate profitable trades and make currency trades. There are many different types of Forex robots. Ther are not all designed the same.
Most people are looking for Forex robots that will find profitable trades for them. There are actually several things that you need to look for when looking to purchase a Forex robot. The first thing that you should always do is to read customer reviews so that you know what other people think.
See how they did with the different Forex robots that you are thinking about. This can be the main thing that will affect which Forex robot you actually buy.
You should also look different websites that are online that compare the benefits of different robot software. This can help you to decide which is the software that will help you out the most. You should also look at a company's webpage and read their FAQ section so that you can see how they have thought out their strategies.
You will also need to see if the software works well with live trading. They should also offer proof of live trading success. This is very important. You also need to make sure that they have a good return policy. See how long you have to return the product. You may find that after using the software for a few weeks that it does not work well for you. Find out how much time you have to test the software.

วันพุธที่ 21 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Forex - The Truth by Inga Maree

I am going to cut to the chase and tell you the truth about the Foreign Exchange (Forex).......you WILL fail unless you:
1 - Start with a healthy account ($5000 or more).
2 - Have a proven trading plan.
3 - Use disciplined money management.
Simple...yes? So, why do so many new traders blow their accounts?
New traders tend to start with a small account of $500 or less and try to develop their own trading plan. They study forex, create their own strategy and then spend days, weeks, even months paper trading their system. When they feel confident they trade live. They find that their gains are very small and so they don't use money management rules and soon after completely wipe their account. This process is time consuming, exhausting and very demoralising. But strangely, new traders will do it over and over.....and I should know, because I did it. It took me a while, but I eventually realised that it wasn't the system that was the problem...it was me.
But there is a way to turn that all around. Firstly, it is essential to have an account of at least $5000 before you start (the more the better). I know advertisers and brokers say you can start with far less but this is a receipe for disaster. If your account is too small, any progress you make using proper money management may feel insignificant - even though it isn't. As a result you may get impatient, and throw your money management rules out of the window. Then all it takes is a few bad trades to wipe your account. Learn more about money management and trading psychology follow the links on http://www.forexrobotsandsystems.com
Secondly get a proven commercially available robot or system. It is a little known fact that almost any robot or system can make you money if you use it with good money management. Robots and systems basically give you signals as to when you should enter or exit a trade (they can even trade automatically for you). They vary in cost, method and application. They come as pieces of software, ebooks or even memberships to online signal sources. The key is to find a robot or system that you are comfortable with, understand and enjoy. The website http://www.forexrobotsandsystems.com lists many of those available (in no particular order). I haven't personally used them all so I suspect that some of these products may be very similar. This is not a bad thing, just find the right one for you - at the right price for you. (Be wary of free products. They can help you learn but it is unlikely that the owner of a profitable system would make it available for free).
Lastly, practice good money management. Risking only a small amount on each trade enables you to survive when trades go bad. And they will go bad, it is all part and parcel of trading. No robot or system is right 100% of the time. So if you have a large account and use good money management your winning trades will be significant and your losses small. Search the web for more information on money management and see how essential this is for every successful Forex Trader.
Traders must also understand that Forex trading doesn't always suit everyone. Personality is a big factor. Impatience, greed and a lack of discipline is the main reason traders fail at Forex (not the system used). If you don't have the discipline maybe it is not for you.
But, if you do have the discipline, Forex could be a great way for you to make money. It's even possible to make it your full time job. But the truth is that you MUST follow the 3 steps or you will fail. So, Start with a healthy account, follow the instructions of your robot or system, use STRICT money management and you will be on your way to becoming a successful and wealthy Forex trader.
Happy trading!
Inga Maree

"Zen International"-International Forex-[Commodity Currencies Continue Surge] by Bernard Cooke

"Zen International": The commodity prices rally has fueled a renaissance in the currencies of Australia and Canada. "Zen International": The outlook for commodity currencies - that is, the currencies of those nations that export raw materials like oil and metals - is rosy as the US dollar falls out of favor with investors.
The values of both the Australian and Canadian dollars against their US counterpart have risen sharply in recent weeks thanks to the surge in the prices of both gold and crude oil.
Analysts at "Zen International" have, in the past, advised clients in the UK and US that need to have swift access to paper-based currency to sell their sterling or greenbacks for the Canadian or Aussie dollars.
British clients who followed their advice with regard to the Canadian currency have realized a 20% increase in the sterling equivalent of the amount converted and, although the correlation between the currencies fluctuates significantly, the long-term trend suggests that sterling will remain the poor relation in this currency pairing.
"Zen International" are bullish on the prospects for the Canadian economy given the relatively good health of its financial institutions which have been unscathed by the sub-prime debacle that ravaged their US counterparts.
The nation's largest export is crude oil and the recent surge in the price - however sustainable - appears to have provided very strong support for the Canadian dollar.
Sources close to "Zen International" say that concerns the nation's largest trading partner, the US, will negatively affect the outlook for Canada are largely unfounded given significant interest from China which is looking to secure future oil supply for its economy.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Get your forex for dummies by Mohammed E. Collier

When people hear the word forex exchange, their first impression about it is its complex, stressful, and tricky nature. This is generally true because forex is not at all an easy market. There are lots of things that need to be learned before one can make huge money from it. However, with the advancement in technology, trading in forex is becoming a lot easier and it is easier now to trade. Even common people can indulge into this very unpredictable market through forex for dummies . Before, it is only limited to banks, financial institutions and business individuals. But now, even people who don't have proper experience can venture in forex trading. If you are among those who to be involved in this market, you better get forex for dummies to help you understand that forex trading is not as complex as it may seem. So what do you need to be involved in forex trading? You may ask if you need to take a forex course or get forex for dummies or leave your job. Leaving your job may be too much for now because as a beginner, there are still lots to be learned and you can't afford to lose your job and wager your life savings to forex trading. The best move you can make as a beginner is to get a forex dummy. This will help you check out products called Forex robots. Robots are products that are designed to make trades simple and easy to trade in currencies. Forex robots are basically software that trade currencies for you. This makes a trader's job a lot convenient and wise. Anyone who wants to succeed in forex trading should get forex for dummies . More than that, you may want to get a forex class in order to learn everything that you need to learn. Understanding the basics and mastering is essential in order for you to slowly leverage and eventually formulate forex strategies of your own.

Forex Exposed by Ralph Herbert

Forex is known as the Foreign exchange market. This market has been around several years. However, what separates forex from any other financial trading market is that it trades the following: volumes, is placed sporadically around the world, a vast majority of banks trade with the foreign exchange market for higher markets, forex also trades on autopilot, and also utilizes leverage in a dynamic unlike any other company. Forex is the only trading company that does all the hard work and labor for you and all you have to do is kick back and take the money. Now that is amazing! This is what the world has been waiting for, a system that not only makes hundreds to thousands of dollars for you but a system where you don't have to lift one finger. What people may not know that are skeptical about foreign exchange market is that the foreign exchange has their main headquarters all around the world to cater specifically to you and your needs. This is truly an innovative approach I have never seen with any other trading company. The foreign exchange requires no experience on your part as the investor which is precisely the reason why you should not take the foreign exchange market lightly and invest now.
The main reason why people do not want to invest in the stock market is because they have an inconceivable notion that they will lose everything in the day trading market. However, this is not true with the foreign exchange market. The foreign exchange is not there to rip you off from your money unlike most day trading markets. Also, when you call the foreign exchange market for assistance in anything you may have trouble figuring out , forex is there for you with one on one assistance in your endeavors with the company. The foreign exchange market is also there for you every step of the way in terms of education in relations to forex or fx. Forex unlike those other day trading businesses believes in loyalty to its customers and customer satisfaction. Forex unlike any other day trading company has had over one trillion in spot transactions. You cannot find that at any company accept the foreign exchange market. This is the don per ion of all the day trading markets in the world. You heard me! In the world, where have you ever heard of such results? Only the foreign exchange market has the other markets around the world afraid to compete with such a great superior day trading market. The foreign exchange market is also stable and increases when it comes to your money. You cannot find such possibilities anywhere else but the foreign exchange market. The foreign exchange market has been out for over a century; however, this is the first time the foreign exchange market has been released to the public. This is why it is crucial that you get involved as soon as you can because this may not ever happen again. So if you are serious about making a serious change in your finances in these tough times then click here.

วันอังคารที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Forex Robots - Best Five Automated Currency Trading Software Programs by Peter Charles

"Forex Robots" seem to be all the rage on the Internet these days. Just Google it and see how many results you get. I got about 5 million for the broad search and over 200,000 for the exact phrase query. That tells you the huge amount of interest in these things are today.
If you don't know already, a Forex Robot is a software program that is alleged to automatically make successful trades for you in the foreign currency exchange. You buy the program, set it up on your home computer, hit the GO button and watch the money roll in. Or so they say.
Personally I do not know much about currency trading, but I learned a little when I was doing some research on them. I wanted to know what all the fuss was about so I started compiling and condensing the plethora of Forex Robot "reviews" on the web. In doing so, I sort of learned the basics of that market while trying to figure out what these robots do, how they do it, and if the claims of hands-free trading were true. I was skeptical, because I abide by the adage of "you don't get something for nothing."
I began by sussing out the current most popular robot program, FAP Turbo. I read loads of on-line reviews and testimonials, in addition to the product's hyper flashy website. Interestingly, the more I read, the more drawn in to this automated trading concept I got. I even began to think I should purchase this FAP Turbo thing and give it a try. It wouldn't have been a huge outlay of money being that its price is about $150. And I could get a full refund up until 60 days if I wanted. But before I impulsively jumped at this idea, I pulled back and thought it prudent to check out some of the other robots. This is when I was able to (very subjectively) make a list of the top five programs. Without going in to great detail here, this is what I came up with:
FAP Turbo Forex Ambush 2.0 Forex Funnel Forex Mega-Droid Forex AutoPilot I hope this helps with your research and decision making.
I ended up publishing a website, http://www.tlwoforexrobots.info with "reviews of the reviews" of these five. It's on this site that I explain how each one is claimed to work. So if you are at all interested in Forex Robots, I invite you to visit that website. You will get a simplified picture of what I think are the top five automated currency trading systems. If you were to do your own research on the web (and I still think you should do some), you could easily get bogged down with the millions of results.
Peter D. Charles takes issue with the countless product "reviews" on the web, and in this case those of Forex Robots. All of the pertinent information is condensed and cooked down to a simplified form, and published on his website, http://www.tlwoforexrobots.info This is just one product looked at of more to come. You can contact the author at peter@thelastwordon.info.

วันพุธที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

All About Auto Forex System Trading by Alan Lim

If you wish to make most of the forex trading opportunities, then auto forex system trading is something which could really assist you in this concern. Just select the best trading system and earn lots of money.
When it comes to earn lots of money with forex trading in an easiest manner, it is highly recommended to go for auto forex system trading. Now, you must be wondering why it is so. Well, before taking into the account of these systems, it is essential for you to consider their worth first. Basically, forex trade market works for twenty four hours a day. It means that opportunities of earning money can come at anytime. But, is it possible for you to monitor all these trade activities for the whole day? Well, the answer will definitely be no! Now, here comes the requirement of these auto forex system trading.
Such systems can assist you as a professional broker and that too without charging any monthly wages. Now, let us consider the functioning of these trading systems. Basically, these systems work upon the specific software which acts according to the growth or fall of the currency. It means that the decisions taken by auto trading system are the assurance of earning a lot of money.
In addition, these systems do not require you to sit in front of them to monitor their activities. They work for you throughout the whole day and as soon as any earning opportunity arrives, you are sure to grab that instantly. Although these systems are quite trendiest these days, but it doesn't mean that you should trust them blindly. As forex trading is a risky game and even a single mistake of yours could put you into halt. That's why it would be a prudent decision to go for a demo session of these systems.
In addition, make sure the system that you are going to deal with is tested under the practical conditions of forex market. You can also search over the Internet to find out the most appropriate auto forex system trading software for you. It doesn't matter which software you are using in the forex trading, the only thing which matters is your strategy to make the most out of it. Therefore, select the software that works according to your strategies.

The Key to Developing the Best Forex Trading Strategy by Chris M Lee

Before you plunge into one of the most liquid, unpredictable and profitable markets in the world, there are some things that you should know about before putting your money in the hands of a brokerage. When money is involved, there are a lot of things you should consider, and these are the key to developing the best Forex strategy, for you to start making a profit. For instance, there is a great deal of money management that must be put in place before you run off with a lot of hope in your pocket. Hope is not going to pay the bills. Your money is and you need to know when and how much of your money you are going to use.
Always set yourself some realistic targets and limits to ensure that you do not spend too much money. Also, do not fall prey to the gambling endemic that is afflicting many Forex traders - this means they simply cannot stop trading no matter how much they loose and they often make irrational decisions in order to 'win' back the money that they have lost. Set yourself some parameters and stick to them, you will regret the fact that you account has run dry and you start to owe the brokerage a sum of money. Also, always have some risk capital on hand so that when things do go wrong, you will be able to bail yourself out. The total sum of your investment and risk capital should be an amount that you are able to afford.
Nobody should go into trading with their life savings in tow. The capital you put into the commodities market should be capital you can spend and if you do lose, will not have an adverse affect on your life style. That said, Forex trading is all about watching market patterns and market psychology. Unlike normal and traditional commodities trading, many people would say that the Forex market falls into a pattern when it comes to either a crisis or an upheaval within currencies. Issues like inflation, political violence and economic decisions can adversely affect the performance of the currency pair you have chosen. But there is always a pattern and this pattern is the structure of many trading strategies of experienced investors. For example, you must learn that there are many 'safe' currencies in the market that investors flock to when there is wind of a calamity in global economies. This is just one aspect.
Market psychology is ruled by major decisions my collective moves in the market. Because of the fact that huge multicontinental banks are the biggest driving forces within the FX market, they have pre planned moves when situations come up. Your job as an investor is to read the signs and react accordingly. The good thing about Forex is that is a very liquid market, so you can pull out any time you want - or on the flip side can invest in a click of a mouse. With these in mind when investing, you will have the key to developing the best Forex trading strategy.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Forex Strategies - Understanding Market Cycles by Adrian

An important part of any traders' forex strategies is understanding the market cycles.So what are market cycles? Not knowing what market cycle you are in will affect your forex trading. Knowing the correct major market cycles is important for you and which forex trading system you should be using. As each market cycle requires a different approach from your forex trading system. There are three major market cycles and the ability to adapt to each market cycles is an important part of your forex strategy and will improve your profitability. So you need to understand how to determine market cycles if you want to become a successful trader. The three major market cycles are: 1) Trending, 2) Consolidation 3) BreakoutThe Three Market CyclesIt does not matter what financial market you are trading, the market can only move in these three cycles.A common saying amongst forex trade is "The Trend is your friend." Trending CycleTrending is when the market price moves in the same direction consistently in one direction either up or down. How a forex market trend is inherently defined? A trend can be defined as progressively higher lows and higher highs. Of course if the price movement consisted of a straight line either up or down, then identifying a trend would obviously be very easy. In real life, currency prices move do not move in one direction consistently, so denying forex traders and easy trend read. Consolidation CycleA Consolidation market cycle also known as Non Trending or Ranging market, which looks like a sideways / horizontal line of bars on a chart. Consolidating is when the market is struck between two horizontal support and resistance levels and cannot break these support / resistance levels for at least seven bars.You can use moving averages or other technical indicators to determine whether the market is consolidation or trending. In case of a consolidating market, the moving average line will almost be horizontal.Breakout CycleNow what is breaking out of a Consolidation? After the market has been consolidation for at least 7 bars and then the price sharply breaks out of this ranging market sharply to make a new high or low.That is basically it for the market cyclesHow does this affect your forex strategies...?The majority of forex traders only have a forex strategy for one or two market cycles. The most popular forex strategies being Trends and Breakouts.But recent research has shown that on average the forex market is in a trending cycle about 30% of the time, breakout cycle about 10% of the time and Consolidation for 60% of the time.So if your only forex strategy is for a trending market cycle then you will only be trading for 30% of the time and if you are one of the few that have more than one forex strategy with the most common being the trending and breakout strategies, then you will still be trading only 40% of the time.This means that you will be sitting on the sidelines for about 60% of the time. Whilst it is always important to have the patience to wait and pick high probability trades, waiting for the market to change cycles because you do not have a forex strategy for this market cycle does not make sense.Some forex traders will then get sucked into making trades with the wrong strategy into market cycles that the strategy just will not work in.This year in the July and August the market spent the majority of its time in consolidation and breakouts with very few trends happening. A lot of traders I know only did not have a strategy for this type of market cycle so they either lost money over these months or stopped trading altogether until the marker started trending again.I was myself was in the same position. About mid way through July, I realised that my strategies where just not cutting it in this market cycle and I set about on developing my forex strategies so they included one strategy for each cycle. Now I am comfortable trading and making pips in all market cycles.So it is important to have a set of forex strategies that cover each of the market cycles.You need to learn what the different market cycles are in addition to having correct trading systems. That means you should develop the skill of correctly identifying the different market cycles at the right time. Once you have the skill to identify the market cycles then it is important to have set of forex strategies that will cover each market cycle. As effectively identifying the market cycles is a skill that all successful traders have mastered. You need to learn how to adopt your approach to those cycles to remain profitable. Learn more about Forex Strategies

Online forex trading by Scott Ingram

Online Forex trading covers lots of forms with an incredibly wide specificity. In fact it all starts from a general solution that is central to the system, and it is on this that you start to make investments. Guidelines make the investment process smoother and allow for a smooth course of any online Forex trading system. Here is what you can do to improve your online Forex trading.
Investors usually have two options when choosing online Forex trading: to work on their own, with the help of some tools, or to get professional account management in collaboration with a dealer or a brokerage firm. If you have solid Forex knowledge, you may try your hand at transactions independently, but if you are a beginner, you should search for a reliable company that can help you place the money well. The market offers no guarantees, and both profit and loss are its inherent realities.
Traders are forced to stop trading by adding to losing positions. Why continue to invest in position that has made you lose money? This should help you limit money waste and prevent small losses from turning into huge losses. Keep alert and realistic of all the decisions and speculations you make with online Forex trading.
When do you take your profits? Always base your decisions on market information and not on what your account tells you. Don't make trades when the variables are too expensive for you, and once you decide on taking the profit, stick to it and do not continue to invest on descending trends. Market changes direction very often, and one can hardly anticipate the tides. Therefore, online Forex trading involves both assumed risks and facts.
Good decisions are not always possible. There may be days when online Forex trading does not make good business. Maybe you don't have enough money in the account, or when you don't have the time for a careful analysis of the indicators. Furthermore, adapt to sudden changes as the right way to keep losses minimum. Moreover, online Forex trading is different from all the other markets, and you should not try to use the same rules for different markets.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Forex Trading and Elliot Waves by Christopher Hall

Elliot waves are based on the premise that markets move in repetitive cycles reflecting the mass psychology of market traders. Ralph Nelson Elliott discovered this phenomenon back in the 1920s, and many, many traders use Elliot waves even today.
The basic premise of this theory is that market prices move in 5-step stages up and down. Here is a summary of each step or wave. In this example, we will suppose that the market is moving up.
Wave 1 - this is the initial move of the market. This move is caused by a relatively small group of people buying because they believe that the market is undervalued.
Wave 2- because the price has moved up, some investors believe that the price is over-inflated and they sell to take their profits. This of course will cause the market to fall. However, the price will not fall below the original point of step 1.
Wave 3 - this is usually the strongest move. It is at this point that the general market has seen the price move and wants to get in on some of the action. These investors buy and cause the price to rise further than the high of the 2nd step.
Wave 4 - now the price has moved quite high, and again, some investors get out and take profits. This will cause the market to fall slightly, but it won't stay down for long.
Wave 5 - this is the final move of the market. At this time, the smart people have already made their money, but there are still plenty of people willing to buy because of the recent movements. This buying will naturally push the market price quite high.

6 Tips for Practicing in the Forex Money Trading Market by Walter Madenford

Recently, the allure of forex trading has tempted many average traders to begin investing in the highly profitable forex market. However, unprepared traders are finding out it’s not as simple as the hype makes it out to be. When you begin to explore Forex further, you find that there are demo accounts that simulate real forex money trading. When starting on your journey to profit from the forex market, it’s critical to gain and education and start practicing with a demo trading account.
Demo accounts are the best kind of simulation for learning all the methods necessary to the essentials of forex market trading. Forex is an international market, and involves countries from all over the world. The objective of forex trading is to speculate an appreciation of one currency against another. For example, you hypothesize that the Euro will gain against the dollar (USD). Therefore, whatever the Euro appreciates against the dollar, you gain that as a profit.
Many banks, brokers, governments and regular individuals use forex to build and gain wealth. It’s highly liquid and is open 24 hours a day, making it extremely attractive for investors. Since the market is open all day, every day, the best way to ensure you’re not sitting at your computer all day is to use automated softwares to make the best trades for the day, have your software automatically make the trades, set a stop loss then go about your day as usual.
When you’re first getting start in forex, you’ll need to begin your education, and locate some forex trading software. When you signup for a forex broker, most will give you access to a demo or virtual money trading account. Similar to a game, you have the option to buy and sell, just as you can with regular money investing.
As you progress through demo trading, you’ll being to learn how to make (and lose) money in the forex market. Since there’s over $3 trillion traded daily, it really opens your eyes onto how much really is being traded, how the markets open and close, and how different countries currencies can differ.
Although like a game, your demo account will be fully functional the same as if there were live money in there. You will be able to compare live data, and make “fake” trades, so you can attempt to build your money. In some cases, you’ll be eaten alive. Either way, it’s important to follow a system if you want to ever achieve success with forex. The more education you have paired with the software you choose to use to make trades will determine the success of your trading investments.
After the demo phase, you’ll end up needing a broker to begin trading with live money. When you understand how transactions occur, and the process, you’ll be better prepared when you being trading. There’s no doubt that practice will make perfect, but as always, there’s no guarantees. The two biggest things to worry about are getting your education first, and then practicing on a demo account.
Forex trading is responsible for hundreds of self-made millionaires and will consistently continue to bring more money into the hands of the savvy investor. If you choose to get involved, start learning and continue learning. Your success is only limited by your willingness to learn.